Small knowledge necessary for engraving machine maintenance
Many dealers say that they don’t have to maintain the rigid boards they sell when they sell them. The woodworking engraving machine is broken and repaired. Although the maintenance of the cutting plotter is very simple, it is very convenient to change some parts as usual. It is very convenient, but if it is not well maintained, it will be repaired once in a few months. Although it is not necessary to pay the maintenance fee during the warranty period, the lost work is not so good. . Therefore, the user should only take care of the maintenance, unless it is necessary to carry out repairs. So what maintenance do users have to do? Let’s take a brief narrative of the places where problems arise due to poor maintenance:
Trolley cable: Domestically used cable is similar to tape measure. Users can replace it with a tape measure. It is easy to break during scrolling. Therefore, users should promptly mediate when they hear this department have a very loud voice. Don't wait for it to break. Only after the repair, this department is usually not guaranteed.
Limiter: Some rigid cars move to one end to stop when they are initialized. If the car moves continuously and hits the board, and clarifies that there is a problem with the limiter, probably the limiter does not detect the car. It is probably that the positioning component on the car does not reach the position of the limiter, and the department can be mediated. If the car does not move when it is initialized, it is usually because there is too much dust, blocking the metering department in the limiter, which is too thin to usually remove dust.
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